Network-based statistics analysis
NBS(model, contrast, FC_data, nperm = 100, nthread = 1, p = 0.001)
A data.frame or matrix containing all the predictors in the model
The predictor of interest. The edge- and network-wise statistics will only be estimated for this predictor
An N x E matrix containing the vectorized edges; where N = number of subjects, E=number of edges
The number of permutations to generate the null distribution of network strengths. Set to 100 by default
The number of CPU threads to use. Set to 1 by default
the edge-wise threshold. Set to 0.001 by default
Returns a list object containing
Edge- and network-wise results in a data.frame object
Edge-wise t-stats
The critical t-value
A vector containing the null distribution of the permuted network strengths
This function implements the NBS analysis described in Zalesky et al. (2010)
if (FALSE) {
model1=NBS(model,contrast, FC_data, nperm=1000, nthread=8, p=0.001)