Listing the edges in a connectogram.
a vector of edge values with a length of 4005, 7021, 23871 or 30135.
a data.frame() object with the columns of node_1
, node_2
and weight
This function takes a vector of edge-to-edge connections, and returns a data.frame object containing the edges (defined by their pair of connecting nodes) and their edge values
results=sample(c(1,0, -1), 7021, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.01, 0.98,0.01))
#> node_1 node_2 weight
#> 1 R_Vis_2 R_PFCv_1 -1
#> 2 R_Vis_2 R_Accumbens 1
#> 3 R_Vis_3 R_Vis_7 -1
#> 4 R_Vis_3 R_Post_2 1
#> 5 R_Vis_3 L_PFC_6 -1
#> 6 R_Vis_3 L_PFC_4 -1
#> 7 R_Vis_3 L_SomMot_4 1
#> 8 R_Vis_4 L_Cerebellum -1
#> 9 R_Vis_4 L_PFC_2 -1
#> 10 R_Vis_4 L_Med_1 1
#> 11 R_Vis_5 R_SomMot_5 1
#> 12 R_Vis_5 L_Diencephalon_Ventral -1
#> 13 R_Vis_6 R_Post_4 1
#> 14 R_Vis_7 R_Post_4 1
#> 15 R_Vis_7 L_SomMot_5 -1
#> 16 R_Vis_8 L_PFC_4 1
#> 17 R_SomMot_1 R_PFCl_2 -1
#> 18 R_SomMot_1 L_Cing_1 -1
#> 19 R_SomMot_1 L_ParOper_1 1
#> 20 R_SomMot_2 R_Par_1 -1
#> 21 R_SomMot_2 R_Thalamus 1
#> 22 R_SomMot_2 L_Vis_4 -1
#> 23 R_SomMot_3 R_FrOperIns_1 1
#> 24 R_SomMot_4 R_Med_2 1
#> 25 R_SomMot_4 L_SomMot_3 -1
#> 26 R_SomMot_5 L_Par_1 -1
#> 27 R_SomMot_5 L_PrCv_1 -1
#> 28 R_SomMot_5 L_SomMot_6 -1
#> 29 R_SomMot_7 R_OFC_1 1
#> 30 R_SomMot_7 L_Med_3 1
#> 31 R_Post_1 R_PFCv_1 -1
#> 32 R_Post_1 R_Putamen -1
#> 33 R_Post_1 L_Temp_1 1
#> 34 R_Post_1 L_SomMot_6 1
#> 35 R_Post_2 L_TempPole_1 1
#> 36 R_Post_3 R_PFCl_4 -1
#> 37 R_Post_3 L_Caudate -1
#> 38 R_Post_3 L_pCunPCC_1 -1
#> 39 R_Post_4 L_Putamen -1
#> 40 R_Post_5 _Brain_Stem 1
#> 41 R_PrCv_1 R_Par_2 -1
#> 42 R_TempOccPar_1 L_Cerebellum 1
#> 43 R_TempOccPar_2 L_Med_1 1
#> 44 R_TempOccPar_2 L_FrOperIns_2 1
#> 45 R_FrOperIns_1 L_Cing_1 -1
#> 46 R_Med_1 L_Par_1 -1
#> 47 R_Med_1 L_ParOper_1 -1
#> 48 R_Med_2 R_PFCl_2 1
#> 49 R_OFC_1 R_PFCl_3 1
#> 50 R_TempPole_1 L_Post_6 1
#> 51 R_Par_1 L_pCun_1 1
#> 52 R_PFCl_1 R_PFCmp_1 -1
#> 53 R_PFCl_1 L_Vis_6 -1
#> 54 R_PFCl_2 L_Post_1 1
#> 55 R_PFCl_3 R_pCunPCC_2 -1
#> 56 R_PFCl_3 L_Post_2 -1
#> 57 R_PFCl_4 R_PFCv_1 -1
#> 58 R_PFCl_4 L_Hippocampus -1
#> 59 R_Cing_1 L_SomMot_2 -1
#> 60 R_PFCmp_1 L_Post_3 -1
#> 61 R_pCun_1 L_Par_1 1
#> 62 R_Par_1 L_Post_4 1
#> 63 R_Temp_2 _Brain_Stem -1
#> 64 R_Temp_2 L_PrCv_1 1
#> 65 R_Temp_3 L_Diencephalon_Ventral -1
#> 66 R_PFCv_1 L_Par_1 -1
#> 67 R_PFCv_1 L_PFCl_1 1
#> 68 R_PFCv_2 L_Diencephalon_Ventral -1
#> 69 R_PFCv_2 L_FrOperIns_1 1
#> 70 R_PFCv_2 L_Vis_3 1
#> 71 R_PFCv_2 L_Vis_1 1
#> 72 R_PFCdPFCm_1 L_pCunPCC_1 -1
#> 73 R_PFCdPFCm_1 L_pCun_1 -1
#> 74 R_PFCdPFCm_1 L_Vis_4 -1
#> 75 R_PFCdPFCm_2 L_PFC_1 -1
#> 76 R_PFCdPFCm_2 L_Vis_7 1
#> 77 R_PFCdPFCm_3 L_Thalamus -1
#> 78 R_PFCdPFCm_3 L_Par_1 -1
#> 79 R_pCunPCC_2 R_Hippocampus 1
#> 80 R_pCunPCC_2 L_Vis_1 -1
#> 81 R_Diencephalon_Ventral L_Vis_5 1
#> 82 R_Diencephalon_Ventral L_Vis_3 -1
#> 83 R_Accumbens R_Pallidum 1
#> 84 R_Accumbens L_Vis_1 -1
#> 85 R_Amygdala L_Cerebellum -1
#> 86 R_Amygdala L_Vis_9 1
#> 87 R_Hippocampus L_OFC_1 -1
#> 88 R_Hippocampus L_Vis_3 -1
#> 89 R_Pallidum L_Vis_7 1
#> 90 R_Pallidum L_Vis_2 -1
#> 91 R_Cerebellum L_Post_1 -1
#> 92 _Brain_Stem L_SomMot_5 1
#> 93 L_Cerebellum L_PFC_6 1
#> 94 L_Cerebellum L_Post_2 1
#> 95 L_Cerebellum L_Vis_6 1
#> 96 L_Cerebellum L_Vis_5 -1
#> 97 L_Thalamus L_FEF_1 1
#> 98 L_Putamen L_PrCv_1 -1
#> 99 L_Pallidum L_PFCl_1 -1
#> 100 L_Pallidum L_Vis_5 -1
#> 101 L_Amygdala L_Cing_1 -1
#> 102 L_Amygdala L_Post_3 1
#> 103 L_Amygdala L_SomMot_6 1
#> 104 L_Accumbens L_PFC_2 -1
#> 105 L_Accumbens L_Temp_1 1
#> 106 L_Accumbens L_Vis_3 1
#> 107 L_PFC_6 L_Post_2 1
#> 108 L_PFC_6 L_SomMot_2 1
#> 109 L_PFC_5 L_TempPole_2 1
#> 110 L_PFC_5 L_Vis_6 1
#> 111 L_PFC_3 L_Vis_1 -1
#> 112 L_Par_2 L_PFCl_1 -1
#> 113 L_Temp_1 L_Post_2 -1
#> 114 L_Cing_1 L_Post_4 -1
#> 115 L_pCun_1 L_Vis_4 -1
#> 116 L_Par_1 L_FrOperIns_1 -1
#> 117 L_Par_1 L_Post_3 -1
#> 118 L_TempPole_2 L_Vis_8 1
#> 119 L_Med_3 L_SomMot_4 1
#> 120 L_Med_1 L_ParOper_1 1
#> 121 L_Med_1 L_Vis_8 -1
#> 122 L_PrCv_1 L_Post_6 -1
#> 123 L_PrCv_1 L_Vis_6 -1
#> 124 L_Post_6 L_SomMot_1 1
#> 125 L_Post_4 L_SomMot_4 1
#> 126 L_Post_3 L_Vis_6 1
#> 127 L_Post_1 L_SomMot_1 1
#> 128 L_SomMot_5 L_SomMot_4 1
#> 129 L_SomMot_2 L_Vis_3 1
#> 130 L_Vis_8 L_Vis_4 -1