Generates edge-wise masks for calculating subject-level network strengths

extract.edges(NBS.obj, network = 1)



A list object generated from an earlier NBS() analysis


the network number (reported in the earlier NBS results) of the network to be masked. Set to 1 by default


Returns a list object containing

  • clust.tstat thresholded edge-wise t-statistics.Edges not belonging to this cluster will be zeroed.

  • pos.edges A vector of 1s and 0s indicating the significant network-thresholded positive edges.

  • neg.edges A vector of -1s and 0s indicating the significant network-thresholded negative edges.

  • pos.mask A vector of 1s and 0s indicating the significant network-thresholded positive edges.

  • neg.mask A vector of 1s and 0s indicating the significant network-thresholded negative edges.


This function generates positive and negative masks (vectors of 1s and 0s), where 1s indicate a significant network-thresholded edge. These masks can then be used to perform a matrix multiplication with the vectorized FC matrices to object subject-level network strengths


if (FALSE) {