This function runs an intersubject similarity analysis to determine if there is a relationship between similarity in FC and similarity in one or multiple outcomes.

intersubject_similarity(FC_data, outcome, mode = "diff", nperm = 1000)



An N x E matrix containing the vectorized edges; where N = number of subjects, E=number of edges


A numerical vector (single outcome) or matrix (multiple outcomes) containing the values of the outcome(s) of interest


When set to "diff", FC similarity is calculated as absolute difference between the FC vectors of a pair of subjects. When set to "corr",FC similarity is calculated as 1 - (pearson's correlation coefficient between the FC vectors of a pair of subjects). Set to "diff" by default.


number of permutations for the correlation test between FC similarity and outcome similarity


a list object containing

  • FC_difference_matrix The FC difference matrix

  • Outcome_difference_matrix The outcome difference matrix

  • permutation_data The permuted correlation values


This function runs an intersubject similarity analysis to determine if there is a relationship between similarity in FC and similarity in one or multiple outcomes. The outcome(s) will be z-standardized prior to calculating the intersubject similarity in the outcome(s).


results=runif(7021, min = -1, max = 1)
vizChord(data=results, filename="FC_chord119.png")

if (FALSE) {
results=intersub(FC_data = dat_FC, outcome=dat_beh[,10:15],mode="diff")