Decode surface data
Correlates the significant clusters of an earlier vertex-wise analysis with a database of task-based fMRI and voxel-based morphometric statistical maps and associate them with relevant key words. Decoding currently works with surfaces in fsaverage5 space only."
- surf_data
A numeric vector or object containing the surface data, in fsaverage5 (1 x 20484 vertices). It can only be one row of vertices (not a cohort surface data matrix).
- contrast
A string object indicating whether to decode the positive or negative mask ('positive' or 'negative')
- VWR_check
A boolean object specifying whether to check and validate system requirements. Default is TRUE.
The 'NiMARE' python module is used for the imaging decoding and is imported via the reticulate package. The function also downloads the 'Neurosynth' database in the package's inst/extdata directory (~8 Mb) for the analysis.