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Maps average parcellation surface values (e.g. produced with the surf_to_atlas() function) to the fsaverage5, fsaverage6 or fslr32k space


atlas_to_surf(parcel_data, template)



A matrix or vector object containing average surface measures for each region of interest, see the surf_to_atlas() output format.


A string object stating the surface space on which to map the data ('fsaverage5', 'fsaverage6', 'fslr32k', 'CIT168' (hippocampal)).


A matrix or vector object containing vertex-wise surface data mapped in fsaverage5, fsaverage6, fslr32k, or CIT168 space


The function currently supports the Desikan-Killiany-70, Schaefer-100, Schaefer-200, Schaefer-400, Glasser-360, or Destrieux-148 atlases for cortical surfaces, and the 'bigbrain' 10-parcels atlas for hippocampal surfaces. ROI to vertex mapping data for 1 to 4 were obtained from the 'ENIGMA toolbox' ; and data for 5 from 'Nilearn' 's nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux . atlas_to_surf() will automatically detect the atlas based on the number of columns.

See also


parcel_data = t(runif(100,min=0, max=100));
surf_data = atlas_to_surf(parcel_data, template='fsaverage5');